We want you to succeed on your journey of parenthood.
Whether you are pregnant, a new mum or simply looking for a nanny, we are here for you.
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and Well-Being - Reliable Baby Services for Healthcare Excellence
Your Baby's Developmental Milestones
0-12 months
• Keeps head in middle of body and kicks legs when on back.
• Lifts head when lying on tummy.
• Rolls from side to back.
• Brings hands to mouth and middle of body.
• Hands mostly open and thumbs are out.
• Reaches for and bats toys.
• Can hold toy briefly.
• Turns head towards sounds and voices.
• Coos and smiles.
• Different cries to indicate pain, hunger or tiredness.
• May start to giggle at 3 months.
• Lifts head and chest off ground.
• Rolls from tummy to back and may roll from back to tummy.
• Holds a toy in both hands.
• Passes toys between hands.
• Holds smaller toys with palm, fingers and thumb.
• Uses raking motion to get small items.
• Starting to use consonant sounds in babble. Eg. da, da.
• Reacts to sudden noises.
• May start to respond to their name.
• Sits independently.
• Can get into sitting from tummy or back.
• May commando crawl or crawl on hands and knees.
• Can stand with support.
• Points and pokes with index finger.
• Holds blocks using thumb and fingers (radial-digital grasp).
• Purposefully drops toys.
• Shakes/bangs/ manipulates toys.
• Uses a variety of syllable combinations when babbling. Eg Bababba.
• Looks at familiar objects and people when named.
• Uses simples gestures.
• Crawls with alternating arm and leg movements.
• Stands alone briefly.
• Moves in and out of lying/sitting/standing freely.
• Points with index finger only.
• Picks up small items with thumb and index finger.
• Attempts to stack 2 blocks.
• Scribbles with fisted hand.
• Knows and turns to own name.
• Understands simple instructions.
• Uses gestures to communicate with you.